
Greeting - Kalimat Sapa

Our teacher miss Erita can speaks English and Dutch She has bahasa Indonesia teaching experiences for more than 10 years.. You can contact us to our whatsapp number 088299998813 Greeting kalimat sapa Selamat pagi : Good morning Selamat siang : Good afternoon Selamat malam : Good evening Apa kabar? : How are you? Kabar baik : I'm fine Terimakasih : Thankyou Nama kamu siapa? : what is your name? Dimana kamu tinggal? : Where do you live?

Learn Indonesian and Culture

 Learn Indonesian from native teacher. You can fast learn Indonesian with our learning programm. You shall learn: Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading and Indonesian culture . Our teacher can also communicate in English and Dutch. Our Indonesian teacher is Certified and has  14 years experience teaching students from all around the world.  I'm Erita Haryati, I have been  teaching students since 2011 from various age and backgrounds. I usually use good and easy learning materials for the students. You can choose our learning programm in various ways: - 1 hour is $18 - To be more cheaper we have Indonesian course package with 18 x courses @1 hour And - To be more cheaper we have intensive Indonesian package course with 30 x courses @1 hour. You can contact us to our whatsapp 088299998813  

Good Holiday package

 We can also help you to arrange good holiday package in Indonesia.  You can choose to which places you want to go and in which hotel you want to stay. We have holiday packages for you:  Jakarta Holiday Package 3 days - Pick up transportation with our    car to your hotel - Accomodation at 3 stars hotel  - Visiting Monas - Visiting Shopping centre - Visiting Kota Tua  - Visiting Kebon Raya Bogor